September 10, 2018


hi korang!!!
i watched this movie a few weeks ago and i am really proud when i find out one of the most interesting place in this film is in Malaysia.

tapi aku bukan nak cakap pasal location because everybody dah do the claiming part.
As  Malaysian, i like to see from the bright sight. chill la guys. it is just a movie.
can you just enjoy the big screen ? infact they put credit la cuma korang je tak tengok.

my fav actress in the movie must be peik lin. She is fun , rich but not picky. She could be hanging out
with her rich friend but instead she stick around with rachel chu.

it must be nice to have a friend like her kan kan kan?

anddddd my fav scene  and also you guys punya fav  scene 
masa lagu i can't help falling in love with you to di mainkannnnn
andddd water flooding and tetiba je everybody got a stick yang berlampu like whattt?
anddddddddddddddddddd kuasa cinta tetiba datang dari mana rachel and nick 
main tenung tenung. 


my heart :')

if you guys belum tengok pergi la tengok. to be honest aku tak berapa suka tengok cerita cinta
kat wayang. kalau aku tengok maksudnya cerita tu best,

p/s: kudos to warner bros and kevin kwan. i am so gonna buy your book kevin! XD

new addition in razaly clan