March 29, 2020


hi guys ...
its day 11 of rmo  and i also sucessfully finish week  1 work from home. yes week 1 sebab aku join the company on 23 march .it is our onboarding atau orang melayu panggil orientasi. so far so good. i really enjoy week 1 even though ada masalah dengan laptop company. tak boleh nak return since rmo i cant go to the office and they cant go to my place. 
kl dengan damansara bukannya jauh tapi roadblock bersepah nak oi. bila dan kena partial lockdown lama lama ni rindu pulak nak keluar dengan cousin and husband. husband takpe hari hari tengok dia..
cousin jela rasa macam sedih sikit kalau tak every month mesti ada je hari kitorang keluar. diorang duduk kat bandar sunway je pun so sebenarnya tak jauh tapi tuntas, macam aku cakap tadi sebab rmo sis redha

rindu bella,wawa and fadhilah

and pada 21 march haritu i supposed to attend wedding my cousin fariz tapi sebab kan rmo fariz and his wife postpone majlis khawin diorang buat akad nikah je dulu . i rasa hotel bagi tukar tarikh rasanya untuk resepsi. 
congrats cousinku. this year adik aku fauzi pun akan tamatkan zaman bujang. hehe dah diorang sebaya kan nak tamatkan zaman bujang pun sama sama. cuma hassan je khawin awal lolz.

rindu waktu masih boleh keluar berpeleseran . rindu sumpah rindu
tapi i admit thi is the best way to break the chain.

hari rabu sis ada test doakan sis lulus K

tengah fikir next entry nak merepek apa pulak dekat blog. sementara tengah rajin ni sis update je la .
oh ada  orang tanya i kenapa content entry sekejap full english sekejap entry rojak. sebabnya i nak practice english i la. sebab before ni i kerja tak cakap bahasa melayu langsung dekat tempat kerja. and english yang i guna dekat blog ni bukan formal. kalau dekat office apa yang i kena baca both formal and not formal so harap ini menjawab soalan.

sebenarnya harini sis nak buka satu rahsia dimana sebelum ni sis teragak agak nak tulis sebab atas dasar privacy tapi sebab blog sis ni tak famous and ada silent reader je so i think it is safe kot untuk reveal. 

sekarang i kerja sebagai content moderator di salah satu  platform.
sekarang  that platform become number 1 in the world .
alhamdulillah sis bangga. bukan bangga sebab it goes number 1 in the world  sahaja,
but my job is to keep the platform safe for everyone.

sebab sis baru lagi join company ni sis pun tak nak cerita banyak pasal benefit dia bagi 
cuma adalah benda common yang big company bagi. 
dental care, insurance, transport claim, fix allowance , meal allowance, gym discount and
yang bestnya kalau nak belajar new language dia akan sponsor separuh. 
inshaallah mungkin i nak try belajar mandarin, japanese and korean . 

i tak nak disclose banyak berapa gaji ke apa ke korang boleh buat research sendiri. (Yang pasti alhamdulillah agak berbaloi)
i tertarik dengan company ni bukan sebab gaji mahal semata mata tapi sebab career growth and skill yang akan i dapat.
skill ni yang mahal. sebab tu nurse di malaysia kalau korang tengok gaji diorang permulaan m1200 sama macam budak kerja fast food. tapi once diorang complete diorang punya cert and whatnot. gaji dia naik 3,4 kali ganda.
my cousin bella cakap her first salary was rm1200, then now gaji dia naik seiring cert and skill dia. btw dia pernah 
kerja di riyadh untuk dialysis and her salary was around rm12k per month. 
and now dia balik malaysia dah sebab dah settle hutang ptpn, and kereta.
aku sampai pernah dengar ura ura kata aku menempel dengan cousin je sebab cousin aku kaya.
astaghfirullahalazim, aku dari kecik memang kawan aku cousin cousin aku je. 
bukan sombong dengan orang luar and takada kawan.
ada je cuma boleh kira pakai jari.
maaflah kalau kawan kawan duduk sepang, cyberjaya ajak lepak malam malam
aku kan dah khawin sebagai isteri yang taat(konon) tak boleh la 
lepak malam pastu jauh. 

by the way 2 hari lepas which is 27 march 2020 genap usia aku 29 tahun
sis malas nak rahsia umur ni terima jela dah makin tua.
and celebrate dekat rumah je . thanks husband for the cake .
i love you as always :3

sekarang ni sebab covid19 ni it seems blur whether we would still have a future or not.
sebab it goes pandemic the number increase everyday. first wave we only have 11 cases like that
now it goes 2k+++ cases.  aku harap golongan self entitled terutamanya golongan T20
yang masih jogging tu elok denda dia  1 juta biar  sebab denda seribu tu macam seposen je bagi diorang. denda mahal sikit. MARAH NI
i really hope that benda akan return as per normal and we could fight this covid 19 together as 1 nation.
taknak bagi korang panik. but this covid19 might be bio war. so preparefor the worst
since aku ni suka baca pasal teori konspirasi, banyak tengok movie aku rasa tak mustahil pun.

dah la aku nak study ni..

wish me luck korang.


una .

March 13, 2020

New Job and crossing off my wishlist for 2020

hey guys its been a while!!! 
i hope it is not too late for me to wish you all happy 2020. March always been my fav month since  it is my birth month. and for this month i am happy to say i'm already cross a few wishlist i made early this year. 
alhamdulillah. and i being offered a job that i never imagined doing and the salary package also way better than previous one. i am thankful for the opportunity given to me and because of this corona virus or covid19 
i am being ordered to work from home for safety reason. i know some of you guys might already being told to work from home ,online meeting and what not but since i am new to the job and not familiar with  the software they are using and also it will supposed to be my first day of work i kinda freaking out. the job equipment (laptop and etc) will  be send right to my doorstep.

it is exciting but also nerve breaking (kinda happy kinda freaking out) 


i also already projected to hit another 4 wishlist this year.andddd  i will only tell you guys once i hit all the wishlist :)

the only thing that i feel comfortable to share is my saving plan. last time when i was working with previous company i am only able to save rm1000 per month.  now i want to make it double from rm1000 saving to rm2000 per month.

honestly  i could save more... but i prefer allocated some money for food and entertainment.

and i looking into something that could generate more money , adding skills and value to my own self.
tbh, i already started but i feels like i need a teacher so if anyone good in foreign exchange please guide me masta! (i am tired of being dragged to join signal group... all i wanna know is your skill to read the stock market) ;P

last 2 week i visited my grandparents and get to visit my parents and cousins  too  i miss them dearly and i really hope we will stay fit and healthy until the rest of our lives! amin 

okay that would be all for now..

 i promised to write as often as i can..

happy 10 years my precious blog. ^_^ 




new addition in razaly clan