August 21, 2011

4month to go,deal is a deal =)

quick update
i've been waiting this moment for ages
and now 4 month left
oh Lord please let me do this ya?

what the important thing?
that's not  girl thingy, it's a DEAL

deal is the deal ;)
to those person , i keep my promise ...

what's the deal?
 when the deal  make,
it have been our secret
no one know even my boyfriends
so how could i tell u this?

p/s: giddy up ,im up to something ;)


Umie Nadhirah said...

Deal totap deal..
simpanlah rahsia tu sayang :))

Whoopz said...

apa la agaknya deal lu tu eyh? Hopefully a gud kind of deal.. :)

A.s.t.i.n.a said...

Una.. Selamat berpuasa dan selamat hari raya!!

new addition in razaly clan