February 16, 2017

nonsense creature

hey people..

its been a while. i've been busy   with some activities for the past few weeks.and my relationship with my mr paco getting interesthing i must say.
knowing him one of the best thing ever happened in my life last year. he taugh me how to use public transport cause i am not familiar with those thing. he know pretty much every easy passage in kl . 
dating him leaving me with no choice but spend every second of my life to see/embrace life from his point of view.

 i enjoyed it very much. every week or every session together is like a new thing to me. he was just so random. took me to every places that he's comfortable with. we went shopping together and also killing some times to watch movies.

basically we were just like a normal couple but for some odd reason we promise to keep our relationship as a secret. (eventhough a few have notice but hell yeah.. who cares right?)

does it happened? yeah.. it started with me though. i was jealous for no fucking reason and .. honey if you read this i am so sorry. for being insecure lil bitch like that .


i don't know when exactly it happened. but it grew from a simple crush. it was all started last year on may. he was just my bestfriend back then. and i DID CONFESSED my feelings towards him on August. and we started to date on october to be precise. but we did not going on date until december. 

it wasn't a quick process. 

he tooks time to recover since he was also went through a terrible breakup.

i wish i could put our photos here but since there are so many stalker out there so i'll just keep it private. 

thank you for putting up with this nonsense creature. my terrible insecurities and my childish attitude.  *virtual kisses and hugs*

i miss you already boo. have a safe flight on your way back home soon.

una mn.

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