March 8, 2017

my fav person on internet

well hello 

i'm back.....

everyone in the world would have a list of people that they want to be .

in my case i just adore this people because they are beautiful and probably living life that i've been dreaming of..

okay i just i wanna talk about one person today because i want to save others for later.
her name is aishah or known as cupcakes aishah. 

she is only 17 years old this year, and super rich. she do vlog every week and i watch every single video.

and what makes me so into this girl?

because she is natural,like you know she is just  being herself infront of camera. 
and if you guys a make up junkie like me you'd love to see her london haul video or make up haul video.
she travel to london quite often and that what makes her video quite interesting to watch.

she also do make up tutorial and got her very own bussiness. 
 she use her fame for good. 

she is also nominated as influencer of asia in 2 categories. 
you deserved it girl!!!

she is also a close friend to johanis sani, once a famous viner and now a beauty blogger.

p/s: everyone is beautiful,  i just to enhance mine ;P

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