September 8, 2017

The Benefit Bigger & Bolder Brows and Born This Way Foundation Flash Review

well hello readers, 

2 days ago i got a surprised gift from my boyfriend which was definitely made me happy.  the box of happiness i must say. i've been eyeeing these for months but i didn't buy it because i don't even know this box exist. i use to try on their product seperately which cost rm125 individually. because i wanted to use it all together then i just forget my will. gila kau nak ke beli mahal gila kot. rm125 individually. and then i don't know how my boyfriend boleh tahu kewujudan box ni. terasa loser seketika bila dia kata dia beli box ni for rm180. i'm like whattttt?

rm180 only? 
yes he said. and then later he show me the sephora website . dia kata dia just bukak and survey harga. because it is affordable then he went to sephora one utama. with a lil help from sephora's sale assistant he managed to get the right shade for me. 

so my review on this product?
i like to give this box a solid 10 because it got everything i need to groom my eyebrows. tengok je la gambar senang. dia punya gel guys... sumpah it's not the same from the drugstore product. i tak hina orang guna drugstore product okay please understand . i just bagitahu yang product ni expensive sebab dia punya kualiti pun bagus. gel  dia korang sapu sekali pun dah buat kening korang nampak berfleek sangat. and aku rasa berbaloi sebab benda ni tahan lama. instead of the stick one. 

this is why i love you :'D (terharu sambil lap hingus)

and later on yesterday , my friend soren whom are working at singapore right now ask me to make a price comparison. she want's to know the laura mercier foundation punya harga dekat malaysia. because dekat sana would cost her rm250 after convert to myr .so dengan hati berbunga riang aku pun pergi. mula mula tu tak ada rasa nak beli apa apa.  tapi after movie with bella aku ajak beliau teman aku untuk terus beli foundation born this way from too faced.actually aku memang perlukan satu pun. selalunya aku pakai cc cream from korean je. harga dia ni rm152 . berbaloi la bagi aku sebab sekali swipe je dia dah boleh tutup cela dekat wajah aku. patut pun harga dia mahal.

my review on the too faced born this way foundation?
coverage  : good .
will i repurchased this? : definitely .
from scale 1 to 10 i gave this also the solid 10. sebab shade dia masuk dengan kulit aku. 
sis tak sabar nak guna foundation ni esok . mohon esok terus lawa macam pretyy zeinta.

mohon sangat. 

actually banyak benda lagi aku nak tulis tapi nanti tulis kata sis riak pulak. (lap peluh).
tu bukan riak tu nama dia sharing bodo. eishhhh small small don't die. big big trouble people

buruknya pantun bahasa inggeris ni. terasa seperti dak dak wicet . nauzubillah (PEGANG TASBIH):'D

k bye bye tu je nak citer.

geraklu pape roger.

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