November 13, 2022

Mama & abah first iphone. (iphone 14)


so basically this post about my parents getting their first iphone. lepas majlis fauzi . i dengan cousin i fadhilah went to central i city mall for our movie session . we watched black panther wakanda forever. after movie fadhilah and her husband balik meanwhile me and husband wait for my parents at the mall.

for years mama and abah guna android phone. oppo , samsung. in my family i the first one using iphone  8 years ago. my first iphone was iphone 5s. yelah zaman zaman baru habis belajar mana nak ada duit kan after setahun lebih kerja baru mampu beli. but that time iphone sangat affordable. i habis rm2400 for my first iphone. now harga iphone mahal ya. masa i beli my iphone 7  i habis rm3200 je.  and for my i phone 12 pro yang i beli 2 tahun lepas i habis around rm 4899 . 

since everyone in my family semua pakai iphone now my parents taknak left out. 

so being the eldest daughter i am responsible to bring them to the store. so mama and abah dua dua beli iphone 14 sahaja . not a pro edition . for me actually iphone 14 is good enough. you dont really need the pro edition . my mom got the red colour and my father got the blue one. actually mama nak purple colour tapi you guys know la purple colour kan ramai orang cari so only those two colour je yang tinggal. i tak ada gambar sebab i take mostly video. so enjoy the video .

kitorang setup terus dekat machine for their first apple id.  sebab orang tua suka lupa password diorang kan. took time jugaklah. and lepas tu kami balik rumah. i tapau dinner at 4 fingers. 

kami install every apps yang mama abah selalu guna. oh lupa malam tu kami tidur dekat emmira resident yang fauzi sewakan untuk kami.  actually i tak plan nak tidur situ sebab tak bawak baju. kami sehelai sepinggang je. mujur mama ada  bawak extra clothes. 

paginya i ada mandarin. class. i attend the class using my phone and refer the notes guna my brother laptop. terpaksalah nyah . after check out we split ways. mama and abah balik meanwhile i send my brother aiman balik . 

cant wait for our next staycation next week!!

till then 


una mn

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