July 31, 2010


salam readers,
hari ni una nk tenangkan jiwa una sikit
erm perasaan  makin x tenteram bila dah nak balik kuantan
every single day i think that i should stop my study
reason?  civil not my soul!!!
i dont know why..
every sem.. come out with new hope
hoping that i could love this course!
but the result is..am not love this course yet..
am tired of pretending everything is okay
when my mom kept asking me about my study!!!

really confusing...
una!!!! u jerk!!!!!
i hate u una!!!!
 i hate u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(sengal ark benci diri sendirI?)
ya.. whtever it is..
am ruin my future..!!!!!
pddtt!!! BOOO!!


Unknown said...

huhuhuhu una tgh tak betoi eah..ok ok takpe paham...tyme dulu2 ash blaja po selalu rase cam ni..sapai satu tahap tu ash dah nk stop study dah...tp dihalang keras oley seme huhuh bg ash yg ash amek tu po bukan koz pilihan ati jiwa rage ash huhuh+_+ kite serupaaaa(dalam nada nyanyian)

@cik_ezati said...

emm memang susah kan dengan kos yang kite tak minat, we are in the same boat huhu ;(

Unamn said...

sedih.. sungguj sedih.. ini tragis thu? arghh kusut

Unamn said...

@ zaty.. ya.... civil is quite tough dear.. i hate this course so badly

hamzah ian said...


Unamn said...

ok2 i`ll try

aya said...

heyp jgn sedih2 ok. kena kuat. hadapi semua dugaan dgn kuat ok ;)

Unamn said...

thnx ayaa.

mrnoble said...

buat sementara ni terima je la course yg tak minat tu.
tp kalu civil ni prospek kerja bile dah abis blaja nnti camne? ok tak? i mean utk fresh grad? kalu tak ok maybe pasni amik course lain ?

new addition in razaly clan