July 20, 2010

wishlist una

1)ipod - coming soon

2)super nudy 16 mm  pink,grey,black,hazel- coming soon

3)slim- erm.. cant wait!!! maybe after 1 years baru dpt berat bdan ideal tu

4)make up pallete 88- sedang mencari

5)belajar make up- cuti sem akan dtg

6)bracess- erm x thu lagi bila.. gigi besi.. hahax

7)slimkn muka tembam ni-erm pergi kat mayfair kot ,tgok bajet

8)rmbut pnjg-blan 12 ni,mungkin dh paras pinggang

9)dapat jumpa christian sugiono-ohoo.. mati aku kalau titi kamal bace hehe.

10)laptop apple- coming soon ,maybe..@_(


aya said...

wah3 byk nyer wish list dier. hehe
btw aya jual lens tawu. kalo nk bole order. hehe :)

azuan said...

wah laptop apple tue..

Unamn said...

@ azuan
hehe.. semua org pun ske kn kalaun dpt apple?
una nk try dptkn..@_@

Unamn said...

@ ayaa.. btul ker? oh bestnyer..
ok2 nnti una tgok yerp lens yg ayaa jual..^_^

Unknown said...

nak g mayfair ke...huuu nak ikut nak ikut...nak slim kan muka gak...wheeee

Unamn said...

jom2.. hehe.. una pergi kat kuantn kot.. una tgok dulu hehe.. survey harge dia brapa..cz kuantan tempat una study

fiezafie said...

list nk kawen xde?..hek2

Unamn said...

haha.. list nk khwin ? lmbt lagi la dear..@_@
ni wishlist untuk mse terdekat ni.. hik9

hamzah ian said...

wah2... semua tanye kawen nih..

Unamn said...

haha.. biasalh.. tnyer2 khwin ni.. hahax..x nk khwin awl sgt.. nk ader umah n kereta sndri baru pk khwin

bebens said...

visit friends, please visit me back

Unknown said...

survey price oky dear..dah taw roger ash...hihihih

Unamn said...

ok2 nnti una dh thu una kasik thu ash ok?

cokiedacomot said...

moge tercapai :)

Anonymous said...

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new addition in razaly clan