December 31, 2016

ya, kami dah putus

hi guys..

sebenarnya nak diikutkan aku taknak cerita pasal benda ni. tapi entahlah kalau aku tak tulis nanti tak adalah kenangan pulak.

walaupun disebalik kenangan tu ada benda benda tak best.

jujur aku tulis bukan nak burukkan keadaan . aku tulis sebaliknya untuk tatapan dimasa depan.

aku rasa kan hampir semua yang baca blog aku sejak beberapa tahun lepas tahu yang ...

aku ada boyfriend. we're close . sampai mak ayah aku pun kenal dia. mak ayah dia pun kenal aku.

secara jujur kami dah putus. puncanya kali ni aku. ya aku.

aku nak putus dengan dia. i cant see my  future with him. dia mungkin nampak sayang aku. tapi dia suka love bombing. he did cheated on me on december 2008 with someone  from his school.

entah macam mana we get back . and that girl pun jadi kawan aku dah sebab macam aku pernah cakap sebelum ni aku takkan gaduh dengan perempuan pasal lelaki. sebab rasa macam bodoh.

so me and amalina become closer up the point aku pernah ya datang rumah dia pinjam baju for dinner.

selepas kami get back aku yang mulanya cuma nak balas dendam jadi sayang balik. tapi tu la kami ni sebaya jadi panas. ada je benda gaduh not in a good way. dia terlalu cemburu. 

pernah sekali dia marah aku dekat depan depan orang hanya sebab aku terlanggar baru lelaki lain.

terlalu banyak red flag anddd aku ni grad awal. 

sebab tu aku tak ada gambar convo dengan dia.  he never initiated untuk ke peringkat seterusnya. 

i mean dia dah la pergi mengaku kami bertunang dekat kawan college of course orang akan bertanya. 

in february  this year aku masuk kerja baru. and jujur kami ni kalau putus pagi petang dah baik balik.

dia pernah mengaku dekat aku dia tersuka one girl from our college nama dia nisa. aku tak heran pun kalau dia suka sebab budak tu memang cantik , sopan lemah lembut the opposite dari aku.

cumanya aku tak suka bila aku ni macam jadi permainan je. korang faham kan maksud aku?

and  aku dah lama kot tawar hati since selalu gaduh and dia kantoi dengan aku message dengan one of his coworker. aku ni kalau jealous tak adalah tak bertempat . tapi kalau kantoi yang perempuan lain a single mom mengadu anak sakit dekat someone you love apa kau rasa? kantoi jugak diorang pergi seminar berdua je. berduaaaa.  aku tak kisah tau bukan terlampau jealous. cuma berdua without any bosses which is that seminar perlu bermalam. 

aku tak bodoh. aku pernah kerja construction.  the rest aku taknak ceritalah. jujur aku bukannya baik.

pernah dalam tempoh aku dengan dia bergaduh. aku tersuka someone. tapi aku berani and mampu kawal diri aku. aku ada prinsip yang selagi dia tak buat hal aku takkan buat hal. tapi jujur dengan apa yang dah jadi hati aku tawar setawar2nya.

i think i've had enough.  

aku jarakkan diri. aku cuma message dia bila dia message aku. lama lama dia start perasan perubahan aku.

aku minta putus. dia tanya aku kenapa.  aku terpaksa tipu dia. apa yang aku tipu?

kalau dia baca blog aku mesti dia tahu. kenapa aku berani tulis? sebab aku rasa cukuplah aku taknak tipu dia lama lama.

cukup dia tahu yang aku nak putus sebab aku dah lama sangat sabar. and aku masih dara. jadi family members aku yang baca tak payahlah risau. aku cuma tipu ex aku sebab aku nak lepaskan diri dari hubungan yang takkan kemana ni. sebab hanya dengan cara ni aku boleh lepas.

aku rasa cukup lah 8 tahun hubungan kami.  aku dipersalahkan keluarga sendiri and kawan kawan rapat dia.dekat mata orang aku sentiasa nampak jahat.

ada yang tuduh aku pisau cukur , sheet ultra macam macam lah.  my current boyfriend bukan sesenang dia. aku tak pernah kisah pasal harta.  bagi aku duit boleh cari. boleh dibina sama sama. i cant live with someone that full of secret . 

kalau aku ni pisau cukur dah lama dah aku accept his offer . dia nak belikan aku honda city . dia nak bayar bulan bulan. ada aku terima?  aku ni kalau jahat dah lama aku ambik. 

he never take my side. orang mengorat aku. aku salah. 

orang langgar bahu aku, aku kena marah. up to the point aku pernah belikan dia jam. jam yang aku belikan tu taklah mahal sebab aku kan student lagi masa tu.

makcik dia boleh pulak komen bukan bukan . cakap jam tu nampak murah la apa lah. makcik dia pulak pakai facebook tak ada muka. letak gambar mawar biru je.

the hell i will know tu makcik dia. aku pun tersound dia la sis. then he asked me to mintak maaf. ya Allah aku cakap hancurnya hati aku masa tu. from that moment lagi i know i would never be his wife.

he once told me dia cakap dia nak aku jadi housewife. aku tak faham tau. aku belajar penat penat . dia nak aku jadi surirumah. aku pernah bertekak dengan dia pasal benda ni. akhirnya kami berbaik tapi tu la pendirian dia tetap sama. 

i cant stand him keeping secret from me .secret after secret. kalau yang baca ni tanya siapa ex aku. aku tak banyak ex. aku hanya ada sorang je ex. last aku jumpa dia   bulan ni. jumpa as kawan. sebab jujur aku tak suka bermusuhan dengan dia. tapi entah lah perangai dia yang buat aku tak suka. biar aku jelah tahu. i decided to change my number for good. i blocked every social media dia. aku berharap one day he will find someone that suitable for him.  orang tu bukan aku.

aku alhamdulillah dah bahagia dah sekarang. after 6 months berkawan. 

aku baru setuju untuk jadi gf dia. aku ingat aku taknak bercinta lama lama.  

baiklah bercinta secara halal. korang doakan hubungan aku dengan yang baru dipermudahkan.

kepada kau exku . aku tahu kau baca. 

semoga Allah merahmati dan merubah kau. tu je aku mampu doa. 


una mn


December 29, 2016

day out with mr paco and make up wishlist

ola people.

yesterday was a  really really happy day for me.  my boyfriend a. k. a mr paco asked me on a date. 
at first it is kinda awkward since i am not familiar with klcc. we're watching assassin creeds since he is a big fan of that game. i'm just cool with that ya know since i am also into that genre
. after the movie, we're hanging around shop after shop.  the sale made me losing my mind.. 



and then i treat him dinner at my fav korean restaurant. He continuosly joking to leave since he's not a fan of korean food..  he eat slowly and i swear to god i can see he's chewing his food with teary eyes. Oh my man.. how tolerable you are. sorry  XD 

thanks for the date boo. i am truly appreciate that.

later on i go to sephora. god gracious.. there are so many things i'd love to have. 

and surprisingly my boyfriend asked me

" highlighter tak nak?" 
i was like.. 

"how did you know that??" wow... 

so this is a make up list that i want.

a tarte pallete
naked 3 pallete

and the rest would be skincare products . i also decided to start consume vitamin c since i am getting older. fix my eyebrows a bit and also my jaw. 

this means... CASH MONEY NEEDED FAM....

let's just say i can't wait for my bonus. may the family retreat goes well

may everything i ever wish coming in my way. 


December 26, 2016


ola people.

semalam kan .. lepas balik keja je aku siap siap keluar dengan cousin aku . memandangkan semalam christmas jadi banyaklah manusia berkeliaran di pyramid tu. sampai tempat makan pun penuh guys.. 
boleh paham tak guys?

lepastu aku pergi ke jd sports dekat situ.. subhanallah punyalah banyak baju tengah sales. aku kan antara peminat sweaters . so aku pun tertarik dengan satu jacket tak ada hoodie ni. dia warna merah kalau pakai dengan seluar dia memang smart gila nak mati. ni kalau ko keluar pakai baju ni guys,.

sure sure ramai mata memandang memuji ke-swag-an kau itu. 

namun begitu aku menyedari .. kalau kau gemuk kau pakai swag mana pun orang tetap herdik kau
jugak.. tak guna betul netizen ni kan?

ni antara sweater yang tengah sale kat sana. semua original weh.ada yang original from uk!!!
sebab tu la ramai beratur semalam. dekat setengah jam gaklah aku beratur nak bayar semalam. ni aku syak kalau aku ada kredit kad memang meraung la aku nak bayar balik hujung bulan.

mujur aku tak ada

mujur.. HAHAHA

ni sweater aku belikan untuk dia semalam. original price dia rm339.
tapi dapat diskaun guys. so baik korang pergi grab cepat! XD

boyfriend aku suka pakai snapback tapi aku tak sure dia suka ke tak jenis ni
kalau dia suka nak je aku beli. sebab aku meman jenis suka tengok dia bergaya.siapa tak suka? lolz. 

oleh sebab 4-6 january ni aku nak pergi short get away. so aku kena save duit sikitlah. kalau tak sah sah aku dah beli macam macam semalam.

apa apa pun aku happy sebab dia terima benda aku belikan untuk dia semalam. felt appreciated 
hope awak pakai tau.

love you :P 

December 24, 2016

crying week.

ola people

semalam merupakan hari menangis sedunia aku agak.

banyak berfikir anddd banyak benda jadi. aku sampai nangis macam pompuan gila dah semalam. 
bila je aku tak menangis macam perempuan gila? entahlah.. emotional sangat pun perempuan ni.

oleh sebab kesalahan aku buat agak besar. aku terus whatsapp boss aku. 
lepastu boss aku call aku..

mula mula aku ingat nak gelak buat buat cool
tapi bila boss aku cakap camni aku terus nangis..

camnilah conversation kitorang.

whatsapp .

boss saya dah buat salah besar, hmmmm saya mintak maaf dulu.

bos aku pun calll...

damnnnn aku dah menitik air mata ni macam mana nak cover ni? ketua aku pun dah sempat marah aku dalam whatsapp tadi. 

boss r : weh bamm.. ko apahal? ko buat salah apa?
aku : bosss.... saya ter.... hmm (bebel panjang2). 
boss r: awak okay tak? dah dah jangan nangis..

bila dia sebut jangan nangis tu.. time tu la mata aku ngada ngada nak nangis.

boss : okay takpe saya settle kejap..

untuk pengetahuan korang .. kesalahan aku buat tu boleh sampai tahap diterminate tanpa belas kasihan. hmmm aku pun mengamalkan prinsip sediakan payung sebelum hujan sekarang.

aku start cari kerja baru.. aku harap.. tak ada apalah.. cuma yelah kita mana tahukan.. customer ni macam jilake juga kadang kadang.

i have no idea what will happen next. so i'll just try to rebuild whatever i felt missing la. 

till then


December 17, 2016

christmas wishlist?

before anyone bashing me for celebrating christmas, i'd like to say that i am not celebrating,i am just enjoying good sales during christmas . now that is a huge different huh?

i've seen a lot of negative comments around social media especially among my muslim friend and i felt  guilty and ashamed. we are living in  diverse world. For being a part of  religion who speaks a lot about peace, that kind of behaviour is not acceptable. IT'S LIKE I WANT PEACE YO FAM, BUT I HAVE TO HURT YOUR FEELING A BIT SO YOU KNOW HOW TO RESPECT ME.

that's not gonna work. yup seriously.

okay , because i have no time to talk much since it's 2 am already, let's get to the real topic.

duh ... i am not even started yet. and it's FREAKING 2 AM!!!

err okay back to my wishlist.

1)body goals. this is somehow kinda basi cause i talked about it like thousand times already and  i don't want the excitement goes away. so i'll keep that to myself. 

2)i want new watches. yup that wasn't a mistake. i really wanted multiple type of watches. i am collector ya know. i like to have different type of watches , like dw,baby g,fossil, 

3) new sport shoes .i freaking love nike and puma as well. i really wanted a new kick. i like ombre kinda shoes but the colour needed to be either purple to maroon or turquoise to blue. i am such a weirdo. please don't hesitate to say that. yup i know.. XD

4) i wanted all numa series from tudungpeople. i know that numa collection probably out of stock 
allready since it was out years ago. but i still believe in magic . i shall pujuk faz to jual balik numa. 
i know some of you guys might say.. "weh beli je la shawl lain murah kot. sama je" .. no people.. no..
NUMA is the piece of shawl ever made.their material is like da bomb dot com. i feels like to borong as much as i could . a few pieces of black shawl (for work purposes) and the other should be my fav colour.

5)flawless skin. this is indeed every girls dream. hands down..

6)made more money so i could shop more.

December 8, 2016

7th december : anxiety and curiosity and thank you love.

dear diary,

yesterday was quite special day for me. at first it was a total nightmare. the anxiety and curiosity makes me felt terrible for the past few week.

i was invited to join a gathering (sort of),with my colleagues. we're just spending time to bowl and compete with each other and then having our lunch together at seoul garden.

since i felt heartbroken , so my mood was kinda swing. luckily i've got these people who crack jokes every single time they get the chance. they tease me  a lot. from my love life to my physique. in which i don't take it too personal already.

after watching movie with the 5 other, i felt uneasy due to my bad health condition i went to the clinic and surprisingly, my bf agree to "teman" me. thank you love, you know how much i appreciate your effort. i know my inscurities annoyed you sometimes. despite of my pain, i can "tahan" 4 hours just by talking to you like that. 

i love you baby, i really love you. 

p/s: i don't know what future brings, but i hope you'll still in there. you are important to me . 

una . 

December 6, 2016

songs that resemble me ( at least i think so)

I’m in front of you
I’m right here
Tell me with your lips
say yes say yes
Without knowing
I’m going to you
I wanna tell you my heart with the blowing wind
love is true
Your eyes that only tickled me
Now makes me smile as if I’m used to it
You just need to walk over there
My friends keep telling me
As they try to push me
My heels are still heavy
I just wanna take it off by the end of the night
I wish I could hold out your hand
So I can run to you barefoot
In my complicated days
I’m trying to think, each hour

Now I finally realized
Everything is gone and only you remain
Last spring, I saw you by coincidence
I hope there will be no more coincidences
I want to hold your hand that used to only pass by
I want to walk with you, whatever path we take
I’m in front of you
I’m right here
Tell me with your lips
say yes say yes
Without knowing
I’m going to you
I wanna tell you my heart with the blowing wind
love is true
I need u
Baby, words I wanna tell you
Words I couldn’t say to you
Baby baby baby boy love is true
I can go anywhere
This isn’t a lie (promise me)
From now on, by my side
Will be the most comfortable spot for you
Like the sound that comes out of shut lips
I wish you would call out my name
Even if I fall back and walk
I wish you would only listen to my voice
I’m in front of you
I’m right here
Tell me with your lips
say yes say yes
Without knowing
I’m going to you
I wanna tell you my heart with the blowing wind
love is true
The one thing I want
Is for you to stay by my side
You smiling at me
You listening to me
That’s enough for me too, you
I’m smiling at you
My eyes are telling you
Answer me like that too
say yes say yes
I like it cuz it’s you
I don’t care if you make me cry
Because you’re my everything

love is true
I need u
Baby, words I wanna tell you
Words I couldn’t say to you
Baby baby baby boy love is true

December 5, 2016

Basic M or advanced C? ( una life update)

Hello people,

Today i dah dapat result. Agak kecewa jugak sebab macam susah. 
But nvm tho. My uncle dah janji nak cari sampai dapat. 
If ada rezeki inshallah la, if not i still got plan a,b,c,d and e.

Engko kalau dah taste tinggi sangat una susah tau. 
Itu nak ini nak. But still harta is harta.  U still need
To sacfrice to get it. As for me i need to stop spending
Money on food. U makan je la macam kau miskin.
Stop that lavish lifestyle and start owning your own things.

My mom asked me to just get a basic M, tapi M
Is not my type eventhough that car quite handy and not 
Expensive .

I want a C.  C or W. but still to get C i need to save as much money as i can
For a couple month.  So are you willing to sacrifice to get c una?

Are u?

Phewww kena kerja kuat sis lepas ni. Wish me luck lads!😘

December 4, 2016


well hello guys..

harini i finally da balik rumah sendiri after the engaggemet ceremony. not my enggagement but my cousin yana . she's only 21 this year and she's leading us . kahkahkah. but nvm though..

 so ni nak belanja gambar gambar masa majlis beliau. kitorang buat kg opah kitorang je. gotong royong masak sendiri je uolzz.

ni gambar masa dia tengah berdebar debar tunggu bakal tunang beliau
sampai . kahkah kelakar je aku tengok muka kau yana...

bunga tangan ni kami buat  sendiri okay.
(okayla bukanaku buat aku ni memang la tak berseni. ni bakal kakak ipar dia
dengan kakak ipar dia yang buat) 

malam sebelum kejadian. aku sempat berinai .
over kan aku orang lain yang bertunang orang lain yang berinai kahkah

kengkonon ayu. hahaha okaylah ayu;ah jugak daripada kau una...

dari kiri (amalina bakal kakak ipar yana merangkap gf abg beliau,lepastu kak lynn kakak ipar beliau iaitu wife kepada amir abg sepupu aku, fadhilah (kakak yana),ika, yana,jannah,wani,pikah dan rina.

gambar aku? takyah la .. dah la gemuk sedih betul. aku tengah diet ni chuolzz doakan kejayaan aku.
meskipun aku rasa nak hempuk diri sendiri sekarang sebab cheat day sampai 3 hari tapi takpe.. esok
clean balik. itulah janji aku kepada diri sendiri yang tak berapa kuat iman ini. akan ku dapatkan ketosis itu semula. hahaha 

oh yana ni bertunang dengan orang langkawi. nampaknya lepas ni 
boleh la aku kirim non stick pan murah murah kat sana pada yana je. LOL
keji betul perangai aku ni kan? XD 

video later aku update. :*

una mn

December 1, 2016

Dear you : human nature

Dear You,

It's december already.

I know i can't force you into anything you don't wanna involved with.

After our meet up last sunday, 
I set so many hopes on you.

I hope you'll miss me  in which i know you won't
I hope you you"ll find me, huh what am i thinking?

You are doing just fine without me.
Maybe your life getting better  without me interrupting you days and night.

I come into conclusion;

No matter how good you are to people, you can always be replace and forgetten.

It's not that hard for people to forget me since i got no specialities and ugly as fuck.
It's human nature to just remember or cling with a beautiful thing. 

Whatever i said to you on sunday with my shaky voices is truly from bottom of my heart.

I know i've been crazy, i talk to many people, and being friendly
But i've never treat other guy the same way i treated you. 
I know there are my attitude that made you felt that i am not serious too and i am sorry.

If you want me to change , i'll change for good honey.
Just say it.

Since it is not a good thing pun to hit a guy just because they made me angry.
I know i am a female and should act like one.

I will honey i will.

I miss your stupid jokes, your facial expression , And your gentle and soft sides.

 I am actually missss you and sort of mad since you are being busy with your works.

I can't force you to meet me anyway.. I'll try to understand you 

You said you wanna try, i hope you will.

But since false hope will hurt me even more i'll just think you are joking.

November 21, 2016

Selfcare 2016

Ola people,

There is up and down in life it's normal. I am making a final 
Decision here. After a few years being super duper ugly, 
I finally want to change for good. I wanna be pretty. 

Dress well and start taking care of my skin,Losing some more weight
And  toning my body in a cheaper way . I want to hit the gym but you know it is
Impractical to me .

My main concern now is my chest area ,hips and tigh

I want to loose some fat in my chest area and belly. 

I  set my target already. I want to achieve at least 60kg by the end of this december.
Andd then slowly getting my 50kg body back . 

I will also searching for medication to brighten up my skin and started to wear lenses and 
Get my lashes a bit thicker. Sound exciting right? 

Hell yeah. I got 1 month and 9 days. Left for the mission. 
Wish me luck okay guys?  Love,

Una Mn

Feeling lost and the grumpy "fat" cat

Dear diary
Life kinda hard these days. I feel lost. 
I lost my bestfriend. Yes, you. You are my bestfriend.
My boyfriend and my love one. 

Only god know how important you are to me.
I am trying my best to stop bothering you. 
I am happy to see you today.

Eventhough with a long face of yours.
Honey, what is wrong? Why you look so angry 
And grumpy? 

I want to see you smile like you usually do.
Just smile baby. Smile ;)

And oh i am also starting my diet okay honey boo.
And guess what? 
I lost 3kg in a week! 
You can't really see it because it just a small figure.

I know you might not read this. But if you
Happen to read this .. so this is my update.

Cause it is just my habit to talk to you ,
I just can't let go of that habit.

I want to hear your story too. 
I miss your happy voices,your laugh and

So what is new thing on your collection this week?
As a shoppaholic guy you might get a new thing
This week. 

I notice you are getting thinner. I can't really see
Your fat belly.

I am predicting myself to reach 60kg by the end of this december.
I need your moral support, love. 

November 20, 2016

Keeping my promise and completing my wishlist?

Dear diary

It's hard to keep your promise when your heart broken into pieces already
It crushed. Burn , set in fire and then you try to put it back together.
How unhealthy it is,

Dear you,
One thing you need to know about me is. I am always keeping my promise.
Yesterday,i promise you something that i never did before.

I'l stop texting, calling or any form of communication including liking your post 
Or anything. 

 I am trying my best to not making you annoyed with me.

You say you will find me when you're free.
We both know darling you won't.
Deep down i know, this is just a way you say goodbye  to me.
You try your best to not hurt my feelings.
It's okay i am used to it. 
(because i am ugly, being dump because of my physical and ugly face is not a new
Thing you know)

If my absence won't make you feel lost 
It is crystal clear that my presence won't make your life any happier.

And i gotta respect that.
I respect your decision.

I am here waiting . Just because i said that i respect your decision
It doesn't mean i am stopping myself loving you 

I will stop if you want me to. Or when i find you happy with someone else
I will step back, and don't you feel sorry for me.

I am strong. Even though i cried easily. 

I am strong despite of anything. 

And that is why i try my best to divert my emotion into a new thing.
I'll try to get fit not because of you, but for myself.

It's hard you know getting dump on this age. 
And also some people once said to me.

If you want a prince,you need to be a princess,
How clear it is? You're prince and i am a panda.

Fat, and ugly panda.

I couldn't afford to be a princes,so i think i'll just try my best to be a better version
Of me, 

And completing my wishlists as soon as possible. 

May god bless.

Una Mn

November 17, 2016

november turning point and my 6 month challenge ( haha)

thank you for reading my blog love. i have no idea that you will read my decent blog. how embrassing. i am truly sorry if there's anything that written here hurt your feelings. 

okay. so basically a lot of things has change now. we got a new leader in the store which is fine eventhough i kinda miss the old happy environment while shyafiq was around. he is busy with discussion for the new store. break a leg dude! XD

and for the love of my life,as i said before he's being busy too. with his new "project". i am so sorry for being a cry baby. thank you for making time with me even just by a phone call. i am truly truly appreciate that. 

i will try to enjoy every moment as you said. life is too short to cry over little things. 
what meant to happen will happen, and what is not meant to happen will never happen anyways.

but it doesnt mean i give  up on you easily. i will only step back if you said so.

and for my wishlist which i already promise you to make it within 6 month isn't it? 

i already start doing it darling . i just needed your moral support. in which i hope you'll stop mentioning the best place to eat infront of me (because you always did that ) . 

it is too early to tell anything coz you know, i didn't like being pushed too. i will do it naturally.
meaning to say, i wil do it my own way.

since i got a few stuff to help me on my diet, i thing i will get my best shape within 3 months or less. or just wait for it. i didn't take any pills as promised . 

let's see how it goes. 

how to get a free music for iphone ios10 upgraded version.(NO JAILBREAK,NO LAPTOP)

hi guys..

as promised i'd love to share to all iphone user on how to get a free music on iphone. basically

people dah tahu kot but for yang tak tahu i'm here to help XD .

there is too many ways to get free music but not ALL can be use on i movie. so i just found 1 which is really easy. no jailbreak needed. you don't even need a laptop! now how cool is that?

i used to have hundreds song on my itunes in which i use traditional method like everybody use lah kan. you download all music from the website and import it on your itunes bla bla. after the ios 10, you can't do that already isn't?

after changing my phone to iphone 7, ( i use the same apple id , fyi) my songs that i've downloaded illegally gone. just like that poofff!! . gone!!!

so mestilah i meroyan macam perempuan gila kan?

i've been searching for a couple month already, so now i dah jumpa!

i share link yang i jumpa tu k?

first of all, just follow the method on that video before i teach you to import it to your imovie.

first you gotta need to download that apps first just like i said before. 
follow the tutorial on that video.

then you gotta have  a page like this one, search your fav song
watch that video for further detail.

after you sucessfully downloaded the song, click at media
at you will see the media goes like this picture.

click at the song and you will see a pop up came out like this one.
choose open in other apps

there you go... you will see import with imovie.
you can use it as usual.  

no fuss no mess. no laptop needed . you just needed your phone lads!

(jangan pulak ko tak download lagi imovie lepastu meroyan kenapa tak keluar option i movie)

itu namanya nak kena siku. hey geram betul aku kalau orang bebal camni. *tetiba emo*

November 15, 2016

Dear you

Dear  diary

I miss him already. I know he's being busy with work and stuff.
I notice how remarkably hardworking he is. His energy and passion
On his work is completely undenieble. I am lucky, he is a great man.
He seems evil but he's not. I trust him but i am insecure. But how i could not
Being insecure? With a face like that.. i swear to god he can get any women he wants.

Our relationship seems complicated because i am clingy as fuck. In which i hope
I'd stop which i hope he'll stay with me.despite of my annoyyingness.
My bullshit insecurities. 

Dear you.

I know you annoyed with me this couple days
I am so sorry. On behalf of myself.

I will try my best to stop bothering you 24/7.
I will give you as much space as you want.
I will try to stop being clingy "girlfriend" or bestfriend" or whatever relationship 
We have right now.

I just want you to know.

It's okay if you wanna stop.
It's okay if you don't have any feelings towards me

I'll be your bestfriend instead.

For What makes you happy makes me happy too.
If there's any woman can make you the happiest person  
On earth, honey trust me i"ll be happy for you too.

If you are sad, i will be even sadder than you .
Who you think you are? 
You are tough outside, but i know pretty well my honey boo got a soft side too.

Share your problems with me if you wants. I'll be there honey. I will :) 

November 3, 2016

legit crying for you buddy. ( i miss my phone already) :(

dear diary 
i am having a quite emotional day lately.. or to be precise. today..

i lost my 2 years "bestfriend". he's gone forever! :(  my old and decent iphone finally rest in peace.
well rested buddy! you'll be missed!!! :(

i cried at my workplace just now. this pain is just unbearable. i know i am not a good owner, but you kept my memories back in two years. you've captured most of my best instagram photos, videos. 
you make my works easier. i love you pal . i do love you.*burst into tears once again*

tomorrow i gonna get a new phone. i might love him as well, but you'll always got a special place in my heart.always.

this year probably a biggest turning point in my life. my phone die, my old buddy momo (my old  laptop) also i already bought a new laptop in august,so new phone coming up soon. not to mention i also got a new boyfriend this year. i mean he's not really a boyfriend. but he know i love him. and i don't even know what type of relationship that we have right now because it's confusing. all i can say, he respect my feeling for him that's all.

p/s: tired of crying... so what colour of my new baby should be? 

Welcome Iphone 7

October 5, 2016

plan hidup seorang una. eh? haha XD


  dua tiga harini aku busy kerja. sebab bff haku cuti. biarkanlah dia bercuti. aku tengok serabut sangat je dia dua 3 menjak ni. susah jugak jadi ketua kan. sebagai assistant yang baik (konon) kita kenalah memahami ketua kita walaupun ketua kita kekadang tu suka membuli kita sebagai contoh sorok phone kita beg kita sampai menangis, dah itu tabiat dia haha.

oh ye aku ada terfikir nak buat part time tau. sebab aku nak simpan duit bebanyak. tapi aku tak pasti tentang jadual aku nanti fix ke tak. ada perubahan ke tak. kalau kekal begitu aku rasa macam 4 hari seminggu nak buat part time tu, lagipun dia bayar agak okay jugaklah.

hmm aku tengah kuatkan hati ni. kalau aku busy dengan kerja tak adalah aku fikir sangat pasal problem aku kan kan? hmm cam best je method aku ni. haih tak sabar pulak kita. moga moga plan aku ni berjalan lancar la ye. yelah kalau sebulan aku dapat simpan 2k , 5,6 bulan dah berapa kan?

okay aku nak gerak pergi mont kiara ni. ada kerja nak kena settlekan kejap., lepastu kena balik taman tun balik. penat hoiii..

kepada kawan kawan aku yang tengah bercuti tu . tak payah up gambar sangat boleh dak?

aku jeles. aku jeles. aku jeles!! haha

k bye .

new addition in razaly clan