December 5, 2016

Basic M or advanced C? ( una life update)

Hello people,

Today i dah dapat result. Agak kecewa jugak sebab macam susah. 
But nvm tho. My uncle dah janji nak cari sampai dapat. 
If ada rezeki inshallah la, if not i still got plan a,b,c,d and e.

Engko kalau dah taste tinggi sangat una susah tau. 
Itu nak ini nak. But still harta is harta.  U still need
To sacfrice to get it. As for me i need to stop spending
Money on food. U makan je la macam kau miskin.
Stop that lavish lifestyle and start owning your own things.

My mom asked me to just get a basic M, tapi M
Is not my type eventhough that car quite handy and not 
Expensive .

I want a C.  C or W. but still to get C i need to save as much money as i can
For a couple month.  So are you willing to sacrifice to get c una?

Are u?

Phewww kena kerja kuat sis lepas ni. Wish me luck lads!😘

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