February 3, 2016

life update : how to make impossible things possible?

guys, actually i just realized interview that i went few days ago was actually not really a job. i got moral supports, item, and most importantly knowledge and guidance before i go solo. practically we will go as a team but i am responsible for my own income. 

memang susah sikit nak adapt with whole sistem . memang rasa susah nak terima perubahan. rasa takut takut and actually tomorrow would be my first day on the field. 

aku tertarik dengan opportunities yang aku akan dapat kalau aku cukup rajin, cukup sabar, cukup motivated and cukup usaha . Hasil dia memang manis kalau aku berjaya bersabar dengan all the hardship. benda ni maybe benda paling gila aku pernah buat sepanjang hidup aku.

aku taknak explain banyak banyak apa benda yang gila sangat pasal benda ni.
yang penting halal sudahlah. oh ya..aku ada assignment aku nak buat ni. hehehe macam ambik degree pulak aku rasa. 

mama abah, thanks for both of your sacrifices. love you :)

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