May 3, 2024

Happy Birthday husband yang ke 32 tahun .


Hi guys... harini merupakan birthday husband i yang ke 32 tahun.  i might dont say it enough

but i appreciate your very existence. Your presence made my days brighter. you added colour to my dull life.

i never regret i chose you. ever since i met you in. 2016 i know that you are the one. i always wanted a guy that i can be my true self.  i just realized that this year kita dah kenal 8 tahun.

semoga Allah limpah kurniakan rezeki yang mewah buatmu husband. thank you sebab tak pernah berkira dengan wife mu yang high maintainance ni. i remember when we were just a friend i told you that i bukan high maintenance. tapi the truth always prevail in the end. HAHAHA. 

thank you sebab tak culas bagi nafkah. always try to make me happy.  I know susah nak jaga i.

thank you bagi i freedom and flexibility  . dalam banyak banyak benda ni yang i rasa mahal.

i can go out sorang sorang. can go to the spa whenever i want to. boleh lepak dengan cousin lama lama . 

flexibility untuk kerja odd hours.  

thank you for never clip my wings.  i dapat pergi umrah dengan mama even i had tinggal you for 2 weeks last year. thank you for treating my parents like your own. 

sumpah tak terasa pun because i am so proud when my mom in your side (everytime we had a catfight). that means i chose a right guy. i married a right one.

kerisauan seorang perempuan biasanya ialah takut tersalah pilih suami. 

i always doa semoga jodoh kita sampai syurga.  but if one day if i mati dulu.. i dont mind if you remarry.

i dont want you to rasa sunyi . even dengar macam tak logik but tbh i memang tak kisah.

 if jodoh kita tak panjang, entry ni adalah bukti kita pernah bahagia. tapi mintak simpanglah ya.

semoga apa yang kita impi dan segala hajat dan cita cita kita tercapai this year. 

thank you for tolerating me.Love you kali sejuta .untuk celebration birthday husband kali ni very simple. i sambut semalam dengan dia dekat pavillion.

kami pergi makan five guys. ye five guys sebab we  tak pernah makan before this. i habis rm150+ je.

i dengan husband makan cheeseburger, cajun fries kami share sebab portion dia besar.  air pulak i ambik chochlate milkshake and husband minum peanut butter  milkshake.

lepas makan ni kami jalan jalan kejap ambik ambik gambar lepastu balik.

even masa singkat tapi i am truly happy i get to celebrate your birthday.


till then


 una mn


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